Laboratories SCI

Selected departments of the Institute of Experimental Biology invite you to their laboratories.

The Department of Microbiology (building E25) deals with a wide range of microbiological areas - from food to biodegradation of waste material. As part of MUNI DAY, you can not only see the work of the laboratory, but also try it out hands-on. Hands-on activities will include observing the growth of microorganisms from the environment around us or creating stained and native preparations. An undeniable attraction is the opportunity to try your hand at creating a picture using the so-called agar art method, or microbial art, where artworks are created by culturing microorganisms - in short, you will have the chance to try being Alexander Flemming and Pablo Picasso at the same time!

At the Department of Animal Physiology and Immunology (Building D36), you will discover what animal models scientists use to study physiology and biology, what tools they use to study insect immunity, or how synchronously beating cells are created. You are invited to give naturalists a peek under their hands, into microscopes, thermostats and aquariums. And the more adventurous can have their picture taken with scarecrows or cockroaches, for example.

Practical workshop

We invite you to a microbiology workshop full of experiments and fun activities! You will learn how to stain microorganisms and observe them under a microscope. Create your own works of art using microorganisms. Discover the world of microorganisms that are all around us.

Building: Institute of Experimental Biology, E25/111
Time: 09:00 - 11:00
Capacity: 12 lidí, 1 skupina
What to bring: good mood
Guarantor: Ing. Jiřina Kučerová, Ph.D.

 09:00 - 11:00

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We cordially invite you to visit the microbiology laboratory. During the excursion you will learn about the fascinating world of microorganisms and the state-of-the-art methods that microbiologists use in their research. We will present current projects that microbiologists are working on in the lab. You will have the opportunity to answer questions and discuss their work with microbiologists.

Building: Institute of Experimental Biology, E25/3rd floor
Time: 09:30 and 10:30
Capacity: 15 pax, 1 group
What to bring: good mood
Guarantor: Ing. Jiřina Kučerová, Ph.D.


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Wondering what animal models we use to study physiology or developmental biology? What tools do we use to study insect immunity? How to create synchronously beating cells? Come see under our hands, in microscopes, thermostats and aquaria. The brave among you can take pictures with scarecrows or cockroaches.

Building: Institute of Experimental Biology, D36
Time: 09:20 and 10:20
Capacity: 12 pax, 1 roup
What to bring: good mood
Guarantor: Kateřina Tomanová


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